Legal Advice & Assistance for Start-Ups

Peachey & Co LLP are committed to supporting the growth and success of start-ups and innovative ventures by providing legal assistance and advice to help navigate the often complex legal landscape faced by early-stage businesses and start-ups.

We believe that every entrepreneur and promising small business should have access to legal expertise, regardless of their financial strength. That is why we offer a range of special or success-based fee structures, for such legal services, including corporate finance, contract review, employment, intellectual property advice, and regulatory compliance guidance. We also offer pro-bono legal services where we consider there is a public good and funding might not otherwise be available for legal fees.

Legal Incubator at Peachey & Co LLP in London

Experts in Corporate & Commercial Law

Our team of lawyers have years of experience in corporate and commercial law and have a deep understanding of the challenges facing start-ups and early-stage businesses. We pride ourselves on providing practical, tailored advice that is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of each client to promote growth and success.

Contact us today to learn more about our services.


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Legal Incubator at Peachey & Co LLP in London